We are finally here. This is the last Mechadroids release (baring any game breaking bugs) before we push out to Google Play and rename to version 1.0.0! We have to say thank you to everyone who is helping us out by testing Mechadroids. This is the last push until we go live!
With this new version we bring you something else very special. We’ve completely rewritten our authentication / user system and we bring you the new Deadworld Studios ID system (DWID). You can log in with your existing Deadworld login details.
Keep an eye out for an announcement for Mechadroid’s upcoming release date!
– Added ‘Battle Points’ (BP). BP is gained from fighting other human players and can be used on some premium content
– Added ‘Rebuild’ premium item
– Added ‘Rebuild’ area. Allows you to change parts and colours of your Mechadroid if you have a rebuild item
– Player’s Mechadroid is displayed on the main screen once it is cached
– Added colour copy & paste functionality to Create and Rebuild areas
– Registration from Mechadroids now works
– Added one time help messages for some areas
– [Server] Mechadroid images generated and cached on the server for much faster loading in Battle Overview
– [Server] Bots are now slightly harder than the last version
– [Server] Battle algorithm tweaked
– [Server] ‘Coolant’ premium item cost has changed from 100 frags to 300 frags
– [Server] ‘No Ads’ premium item cost has changed from 500 frags to 1000 frags
– [Client] BP replaces Credits in the Store
– [Client] Buy limit for coolant has been replaced with a daily coolant ‘use’ limit
– [Client] Key information in the detailed battle messages is now colour highlighted
Bugs Fixed:
– [Client] Various crashes from inactivity
– [Client] Customised opponent Mechadroid didn’t always load correctly