Mechadroids – Round 15


Round 14 has just come to an end ended with Quarionaid on top of the scrap head, congratulations! There he is in all his glory on the right. Runners up this round ElSnoopere and guima, coming in at second and third place, respectively. Congrats to those guys as well!

As always, you can visit the Hall of Champions to view all previous rounds’ winners in their fully customised awesomeness!

Round 15 has just started, good luck everyone!

Mechadroids – Round 14


Round 13 has just ended. Congratulations to DarkN for his place on top of the scrap pile podium, with SuperAndroid09 and KRONOS just slightly behind!

Please visit the Hall of Champions to view all previous rounds’ winners in all their customised glory!

Round 14 is commencing immediately, another 2 month round, so let the fighting begin!

Mechadroids – Round 13

Round 12, another 2-month long round, has just concluded! Congratulations to chicoteRAW for clawing his way to the top of the scrap heap and obtaining first place!  He can be seen in all his glory to the right 🙂

Additional congratulations are also in order for KAOTTICO and lmn for 2nd and 3rd place, respectively.

As always, you can check out all previous round’s winners by visiting the Hall of Champions!

Round 13 is commencing immediately, so get in there and make some more scrap metal!

Mechadroids – Round 12

The first 2-month Round 11 is now over. Congratulations to lmn for taking first place! And kudos are also in order for Arobot and ale6 for taking 2nd and 3rd place. Remember you can check out all previous round’s winners by visiting the Hall of Champions.

Round 12 is another 2-month round and has already begun, so duct tape that cardboardium armour and reload those foam missiles and get ready to fight!

Mechadroids – Round 8

Round 7 is officially over and congratulations goes to Smeghead for winning another round! Well done to Zurg and Roboboy for taking second and third place again.

You can check out all the previous rounds champions, and defeated piles of metal, by visiting the Hall of Champions.

Round 8 starts now, good luck everyone! May the best Mechadroid win.

Mechadroids – Round 7

Round 6 is officially over and congratulations goes to Smeghead for winning this round. Well done to Zurg and Roboboy for taking second and third place.

You can check out all the previous rounds champions, and defeated piles of metal, by visiting the Hall of Champions.

Round 7 starts now, good luck everyone!

Mechadroids – Round 6

Round 5 is officially over and congratulations goes to Timothy for winning this round. Well done to Smeghead and Fluffball for coming in close behind. Good luck on the new round!

Mechadroids Round 5, Fight!

Round 4 is officially over and congratulations goes to NeverLupus as he continues his dominance over the Mechadroids’ leaderboard for a second win in a row!  Nicely done! Well done to Titan and Timothy for coming in close behind.

Also, a big thanks goes to out to everyone who participated in Round 4.  We’re slowly building up a larger active player base, which is great news.  Mechadroids is designed around player versus player combat so the more players we have, the more fun Mechadroids will be. This, in turn, will attract more players!

That being said, we’ve been extremely busy behind the scenes here at Deadworld Studios and have had little time to work on Mechadroids apart from minor bug fixes.  So, unfortunately, we’ll be kicking off Round 5 with no additional features. That doesn’t mean we don’t have anything new planned for future releases… and we definitely have some big plans!

We are also in the process of working on a Facebook (and potentially Google+) version of Mechadroids so you can play on your computer when you’re at home (or work) and then continue the fight when you’re out and about with the Android version.  We’ll keep you posted on its progress.

So, without further ado, let Round 5 commence!

Available for Android on Google Play

Mechadroids Round 4 and Update 1.2.0

With Round 4 starting (Update 1.2.0) we release our largest Mechadroids update! Along with all the great new features we mentioned in the previous blog post we’ve made one or two tweaks and bug fixes.

Congratulations to ‘NeverLupus’ who has been duking it out from Round 1 to win a round, narrowly missing out each time. This time he has emerged victorious from the wreckage! Special mention to ‘WiredDroid2’ and ‘saq’ for being close behind.

So… what’s next? We’ll be working on a web version of the game for Facebook and Google+, along with more features for the Android version. It’s still early days but expect to hear more information about that in the coming weeks.

That said… enjoy Round 4!

Here is the full changelog…

Round 4 Info: New Mechadroids and New Features!

Round 4 starts tomorrow and we’ve been working really hard to bring some awesome features into Mechadroids!

Two Premium Mechadroids: Ninja vs Pirate!

Round 4 - Mechadroids Preview

We’re introducing two new Mechadroids to the store! The Ninja, a covert agent of unorthodox warfare, and the Pirate, criminal scum of the world. When you purchase them in the Mechadroids store you’ll get a free rebuild and the full set of Mechadroid parts to remake yourself however you’d like!

New (Active) Battle System

You now have a choice of continuing to use the old battle system (now named ‘Passive Battle’) or using the new, more involved, Active Battle system. Using this new system you’ll have much more control over fighting. You’ll fight the battles turn by turn with a choice of four different attacks (normal, power, quick and scatter shot). You’ll be able to feel out your opponent’s weakness while fighting and exploit it ’till they are crying “Please…. No More!”.

Bounty System

Have that certain foe that keeps stealing all your credits? Have trouble beating them yourself? Put them up on the bounty board! You’ll be able to set credit and BP bounties on any player in the game. Any victory against a bountied player will give you some of the bounty and by people winning they will also steal credits off the bountied player so it’s a win/win situation… except for the bountied!

So that’s a taste of the new features coming tomorrow, not to mention the bug fixes and other smaller changes. See you at 8am UTC+1!

Interfacing with UI #4 – Coherent UI

February 5th, 2016

This is part of a series of posts revolving around user interface design and development, the introduction and links to the other posts can be found here. Last I wrote about user interfaces I discussed the new Unity UI system and I wrote about our process of porting from Daikon Forge to it. That was a year and a half ago and a lot has changed since then. To keep things interesting we decided to move from Unity UI (yet another move?!) to Coherent UI and I’ll explain why we did it. Why Move… Again?!... (read more)

@SolitudeGame: Status update: Fuel reserves low. Asteroid mining facility detected on sensors. No response to our communications. On approach station appears to be abandoned and running on emergency power only. Away mission approved. Mission objective: Search and salvage - fuel is a priority.

23/03/2022 @ 11:00am UTC

@RogueVec: And so it begins! #RebootDevelop

19/04/2018 @ 8:05am UTC

@RogueVec: We'll be at @RebootDevelop this year. We can't wait! If you want to hang out just give us a shout! #RebootDevelop2018 #GameDev

16/04/2018 @ 12:06pm UTC

@SolitudeGame: Fullscreen terminals allow you to hook into your ship's guns for fine control! Moddable gun modules, terminals and UI! #GameDev

8/12/2017 @ 4:58pm UTC

@CWolf: Woo! And, now we have a cross-compiled (nix --> win64) @SolitudeGame server in our build and deploy pipeline #RV #GameDev

28/11/2017 @ 3:39pm UTC