Deadworld Studios becomes Rogue Vector

As of today, Deadworld Studios will now be trading under the name Rogue Vector.

The reason behind the change is due to a trademark dispute with another games studio.  After taking legal advice on the matter, and a failed attempt to negotiate for continued use of the name, we are forced to rebrand.

We feel Rogue Vector fits our (James and Richard’s) feelings about our company and our determination for the future.  Running your own business is never easy.  You break away from a common path in life and you often encounter unknowns but it’s a direction we will keep travelling.  Our company is becoming stable and we intend to keep pushing to the future!

As a result of moving to Rogue Vector we’ve been able to pull together all the great systems we’ve developed such as the feedback and the cross-platform account system.  All these systems are now accessible from the main Rogue Vector site!  All our games will remain with us and there will be no service disruption to Mechadroids.  Any accounts you previously had still exist and can be used to log into our website (or you can visit for your full profile).

In the end, leaving Deadworld Studios behind was very hard for both of us but we’re excited about the coming years, projects and games that’ll be made under Rogue Vector.  The core values and culture that made our community grow and bond will survive in Rogue Vector.

With our eyes set on the future, we have some very exciting games in the works so expect to hear from us again soon!

If anyone has any concerns please contact us at  Thank you for reading and we hope you like the new site.

Mechadroids Update 0.4.0

After a few busy weeks of Ludum Dare, conferences, gaming nights and a successful world record attempt we still had time to continue working on Mechadroids so here is version 0.4.0!

One of the major new features is the much requested zero player activities. We’ve implemented this in the form of ‘The Hub’ where you visit the nearby city to complete one of four activities described in the changelog. We hope this introduces various ways for Mechadroids to help themselves out of ruts in the game and to successfully beat their foes!

We hope you guys enjoy this version. We’re getting close to the Android Market release!

Here is the full changelog…

Ludum Dare Results

As previously mentioned in our development blog both of us (Jargon and CWolf) entered the Mini Ludum Dare #31 contest on this past weekend. We did a great job and both of us managed to finish our games! It was touch and go for us and we finished just minutes from the 48 hour deadline! The theme was ‘fear’ and you can decide for yourselves if we accomplished that. So, with that, Deadworld Studios are proud to present two free games for you to play!

Dark Choices – CWolf

“What is this place? The air is crisp and cool. I know this place but it is not the city. My city. Where am I?

I hear strange whispers tonight. This place is calling out to me. Where am I?”


Download | Ludum Dare Post


Catch 2122 – Jargon

It’s the zombie apocalypse and your apartment building is under attack. Are you able to fight your way through the hordes of the undead from the 10th floor and to safety?

You’ve also got a terrible hangover.

Quick fingers and plenty of pain killers will be required to ensure survival in this action-packed zombie shooter with a twist!


Download | Ludum Dare Post


Deadworld Gaming Night

We’ve decided to host a ‘Deadworld Gaming Night’ on Sunday the 29th of January. We think this is a good chance to enjoy shooting our community – what better way to relax right? The schedule is as follows…

The gaming night is an open offer to anyone who would like to play with us. We will be gathering in our IRC channel #deadworld at We hope to see you there!

Mechadroids Update 0.2.0

We’re still here! *waves* Honest! After a lot of delays (Jargon moving to Australia and CWolf being worked to death, quitting, moving to Germany and going DWS fulltime!) we’re happy to give you our Christmas present early… a new Mechadroids update!

The new update brings in a few core changes/additions to the game play, general bug fixes and some much needed layout improvements for the smaller resolution phones. With the addition of the targeting system you can now target specific Mechadroid areas to attack. With your armour refit system you’ll be able to change where your strengths and weaknesses are. This brings a lot more strategy into Mechadroids that was absent in the last version. We’ll be eager to hear your feedback on this.

Two important points are that you can now opt-out of the daily Mechadroids report and more balancing is coming soon! The daily report is only sent if there is activity regarding your Mechadroid so for those of you who may have tagged it as spam you can now untag it as spam and deactivate instead. This would help us out a lot!

Alpha testers can now visit the Mechadroids download area to install or if you happen to have the old version of Mechadroids installed it will prompt you to update.

Here is the full changelog…


Interfacing with UI #4 – Coherent UI

February 5th, 2016

This is part of a series of posts revolving around user interface design and development, the introduction and links to the other posts can be found here. Last I wrote about user interfaces I discussed the new Unity UI system and I wrote about our process of porting from Daikon Forge to it. That was a year and a half ago and a lot has changed since then. To keep things interesting we decided to move from Unity UI (yet another move?!) to Coherent UI and I’ll explain why we did it. Why Move… Again?!... (read more)

@SolitudeGame: Status update: Fuel reserves low. Asteroid mining facility detected on sensors. No response to our communications. On approach station appears to be abandoned and running on emergency power only. Away mission approved. Mission objective: Search and salvage - fuel is a priority.

23/03/2022 @ 11:00am UTC

@RogueVec: And so it begins! #RebootDevelop

19/04/2018 @ 8:05am UTC

@RogueVec: We'll be at @RebootDevelop this year. We can't wait! If you want to hang out just give us a shout! #RebootDevelop2018 #GameDev

16/04/2018 @ 12:06pm UTC

@SolitudeGame: Fullscreen terminals allow you to hook into your ship's guns for fine control! Moddable gun modules, terminals and UI! #GameDev

8/12/2017 @ 4:58pm UTC

@CWolf: Woo! And, now we have a cross-compiled (nix --> win64) @SolitudeGame server in our build and deploy pipeline #RV #GameDev

28/11/2017 @ 3:39pm UTC