Mechadroids Update – Build 78

We’ve just released our first update for Mechadroids!

This release was primarily for bug fixing so we’re having to push the reset button. Don’t worry though because this will bring a balance change to the game! In addition to that new features have been designed are on their way. To obtain the update all you need to do is launch up Mecharoids and it will automatically detect that there is a new version. All you need to do then is select update!

If you haven’t been able to install Mechadroids due to being on Android 2.1 you can now visit the download link to install as we’ve extended our support to your version.

Here is the changelog.

New Features:
– Support Android 2.1+
– Daily battle reports

– Improved identification of human players in the attack list
– Game play balancing

Bugs Fixed:
– Infinite crash-loop due to poor signal.
– Fix remote crash logging.
– Escape special characters in client.
– Persist login data when focus is lost.
– Fix login activity resuming correctly.
– Fix attack list bug


Interfacing with UI #4 – Coherent UI

February 5th, 2016

This is part of a series of posts revolving around user interface design and development, the introduction and links to the other posts can be found here. Last I wrote about user interfaces I discussed the new Unity UI system and I wrote about our process of porting from Daikon Forge to it. That was a year and a half ago and a lot has changed since then. To keep things interesting we decided to move from Unity UI (yet another move?!) to Coherent UI and I’ll explain why we did it. Why Move… Again?!... (read more)

@SolitudeGame: Status update: Fuel reserves low. Asteroid mining facility detected on sensors. No response to our communications. On approach station appears to be abandoned and running on emergency power only. Away mission approved. Mission objective: Search and salvage - fuel is a priority.

23/03/2022 @ 11:00am UTC

@RogueVec: And so it begins! #RebootDevelop

19/04/2018 @ 8:05am UTC

@RogueVec: We'll be at @RebootDevelop this year. We can't wait! If you want to hang out just give us a shout! #RebootDevelop2018 #GameDev

16/04/2018 @ 12:06pm UTC

@SolitudeGame: Fullscreen terminals allow you to hook into your ship's guns for fine control! Moddable gun modules, terminals and UI! #GameDev

8/12/2017 @ 4:58pm UTC

@CWolf: Woo! And, now we have a cross-compiled (nix --> win64) @SolitudeGame server in our build and deploy pipeline #RV #GameDev

28/11/2017 @ 3:39pm UTC