Merry Christmas from DWS

Hi everyone,

It has been a long but exciting year for us. A year that has seen the formation of Deadworld Studios, the eventual alpha release of Root Access and now we’re starting to get into our stride. We really want to say thank you to our community for their support and what better way to say that than with a picture of our very own bot ‘Halcyon’!

Merry Christmas everyone! We look forward to making this new year even better!

  1. vrap says:
    December 22, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    Happy Holidays to you guys! Keep up the great work on RA!

  2. dracuella says:
    December 22, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    Merry christmas guys.. I hope 2011 is Year of DWS. You know you can count on us for support, moral as well as amoral ^_^

    Keep it up! <3

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Interfacing with UI #4 – Coherent UI

February 5th, 2016

This is part of a series of posts revolving around user interface design and development, the introduction and links to the other posts can be found here. Last I wrote about user interfaces I discussed the new Unity UI system and I wrote about our process of porting from Daikon Forge to it. That was a year and a half ago and a lot has changed since then. To keep things interesting we decided to move from Unity UI (yet another move?!) to Coherent UI and I’ll explain why we did it. Why Move… Again?!... (read more)

@SolitudeGame: Status update: Fuel reserves low. Asteroid mining facility detected on sensors. No response to our communications. On approach station appears to be abandoned and running on emergency power only. Away mission approved. Mission objective: Search and salvage - fuel is a priority.

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@RogueVec: And so it begins! #RebootDevelop

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@RogueVec: We'll be at @RebootDevelop this year. We can't wait! If you want to hang out just give us a shout! #RebootDevelop2018 #GameDev

16/04/2018 @ 12:06pm UTC

@SolitudeGame: Fullscreen terminals allow you to hook into your ship's guns for fine control! Moddable gun modules, terminals and UI! #GameDev

8/12/2017 @ 4:58pm UTC

@CWolf: Woo! And, now we have a cross-compiled (nix --> win64) @SolitudeGame server in our build and deploy pipeline #RV #GameDev

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